A downloadable Who we were for Windows


Who we were uses characters from Danganronpa follow the story of Hajime Hinata a young lad forced into things no one can come back from alongside his allies and enemies  he uncovers mysteries of various murders (It's mainly story not much gameplay)


Who we were.zip 304 MB

Install instructions


There are 2 ways to run who we were the first is the game might come with its own application to run (I use ''mainly'' as even I'm not  sure this is my first game so be kind)

If it dosnt dont worry all you have to do is download renpy a launcher which runs and makes visual novels don't  remove the folder from your library downloads and follow these steps to run

1. Install renpy (it's free and not that storage consuming)

2. Set up renpy (If it asks which language you wish to use please select Visualstudiocode as it was the language I used)

3. Make sure the game is in your downloaded tab in the library

4. Open renpy again and click on who we were in your projects tab(My project don't copy)

5. Click on the run game and it should run

I'm sorry it requires that many steps to run a game as it was my first time making one and thank you for playing who we were

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